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What Are Login Credentials?

A login credential is a set of unique identifiers–such as a username and password–that enables a user to verify identity in order to log in to an online account. Failure to use secure passwords negates cybersecurity software and tools like firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs). Organizations can combine login credentials with more secure authentication tools such as personal identification numbers (PINs) and biometric elements (fingerprints) for additional data security. In case of identity theft, online banking services typically require login credentials and two-factor authentication (2FA) from customers.


A username is the user identification (user ID) that someone uses as their unique ID on a computer, network, or service. Most websites and online services, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow users to choose their username, usually tied to an email address or phone number. Usernames are not always private, so they should not be used on their own to identify an individual. That is why trusted services pair these usernames with a password to form login credentials.


A password is a secret combination of characters that identify a user and grant access to a specific device or website. A password protects the username that a service or website user chooses to keep their account and data private and secure. Passwords can include letters, numbers, and special characters, and most secure online services now demand users to choose a password that combines all three.

Why Strong Usernames and Passwords Are Important

A digital profile is an online account that includes personal data, which needs to be protected with secure login credentials. Digital profiles exist for a wide range of accounts and applications, from bank accounts and social media sites to online retailers, collaboration tools, and gaming websites. These accounts typically hold highly sensitive user information, including their name, date of birth, email address, mailing address, and banking details. 

It is vital to use strong login credentials to protect this information from falling into the wrong hands, as cyber criminals could use it to access users’ accounts and steal their details.

How To Create Secure Login Credentials

Secure login credentials are vital to protecting users’ identities and preventing them from becoming identity theft victims. There are many best practices that users need to follow when it comes to creating strong usernames and passwords that keep them and their data secure.

Create long and complex passwords

One of the best ways to make sure login credentials are secure is to create long passwords with at least eight characters. Passwords should also contain a mixture of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Short, simple passwords are easier for hackers to guess or crack using technology, whereas a unique, complex password that does not use common character combinations provides greater protection.

Avoid Personal Information

People often use easy-to-remember information like their date of birth, family name, favorite sports team, or phone number as part of their passwords. However, hackers can use social engineering techniques to find out personal information then guess or crack passwords. It is therefore crucial not to include your personal information in login credentials.

Do not use an obvious username

Hackers can also target usernames that are easy to identify, such as a user’s given name and email addresses, to launch social engineering attacks. One way in which hackers can use usernames is through reverse brute-force attacks, which involves them taking common passwords and trying them against usernames.

Use unique passwords for important accounts

Passwords should not be shared across accounts, as a hacker that obtains login credentials for one would then be able to hack into any other service that uses the password. For example, the password used for an email account should not be the same as a banking password, and an online banking password should not be the same as a credit card PIN code. It is essential to use unique, complex passwords for important accounts.

Do not share credentials

Login credentials should never be shared with anyone, even with co-workers or trusted family members, as this is a significant compliance breach. Insider threats involve an employee stealing corporate data and giving or selling it to a third party. Therefore, if the illegal or unauthorized activity originates from credentials being shared with a co-worker, the account will be traced back to the original employee. 

It is also vital to exit to the login screen or even turn off computers when they are not in use at the end of a working day.

Improve Login Security With Passwordless Authentication

While protecting user accounts with strong, unique passwords is extremely necessary, it is increasingly crucial for organizations to look beyond login credentials and go passwordless. Not only do people tend to use weak passwords that they can remember, but they also recycle these logins across multiple accounts. As a result, credential vulnerabilities were responsible for more than 61% of data breaches, according to insight from Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR).

Cyber criminals are also increasingly deploying more sophisticated attack methods. This includes techniques like brute-force attacks and credential stuffing, in which attackers use compromised login credentials from other data breaches to gain access to corporate systems. They can also purchase lists of passwords from the dark web or access passwords through malware.

Organizations can strengthen their defenses by eradicating the risk of passwords. Removing password use eliminates hackers’ ability to deploy malicious tactics to access corporate accounts and steal sensitive data.

Passwordless Authentication FAQs

What is passwordless authentication?

Passwordless authentication is an account login process that enables users to verify their identity using a method other than the traditional username and password combination. The most popular forms include using a second device or biometrics to verify a user’s identity. 

The various types of passwordless authentication include: 

  1. Biometric authentication: One of the most secure ways to verify a person’s identity is to use something they are, which is unique to every individual. Biometric authentication relies on unique physical traits, typically a fingerprint and iris or facial recognition, to verify that a user is who they claim to be. 
  2. One-time codes: This passwordless authentication method relies on users inputting a unique code sent to them when they attempt to log in to an account. A one-time code (OTC) or one-time password (OTP) will be sent to their email address or mobile device, and they must input the same code on the original device to verify their identity.  
  3. Magic links: This type of passwordless authentication involves users entering their email address into a login box on an app or service. They are then sent an email that contains a link they need to click to confirm their identity.
  4. Push notifications: This passwordless authentication process involves using authenticator apps, such as FortiAuthenticator and Google Authenticator. The user receives a push notification that takes them to the app, where they can verify whether or not they attempted to access a service that is connected to the app. 

How does passwordless authentication help strengthen the login process?

BioPasswordless authentication strengthens the login process by providing a greater level of certainty that a user is who they claim to be. For example, biometric authentication processes like fingerprint scanning or iris recognition offer greater assurance that the user is genuine than simply entering login credentials.

Passwordless authentication methods remove reliance on users remembering their passwords. People often forget their passwords for various online accounts or reuse the same password for different services. This presents significant security risks, so removing the need for passwords is crucial to strengthening logins.

Passwordless authentication systems also use modern authentication methods, such as Fast IDentity Online (FIDO)-compliant devices that reduce an organization’s vulnerability to malware and phishing attacks. 

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